We are exhibiting at the Schools and Academies Show 2024!
On the 1st May, Bodet Time are excited to be exhibiting at the Schools and Academies Show 2024!
The Schools and Academies Show aims to drive efficiency, reduce costs, introduce the latest teaching innovations, and enhance school performance, all with pupil’s outcomes at the heart of everything.
Bodet Time’s solutions improve time efficiency of the working and school day; ensure safety through lockdown alerts; increase communication with customised broadcast alerts; and boost productivity by synchronising time across the premises.
Never has lockdown been so imperative with the introduction of the new Martyn’s Law, coming into effect later this year. With Bodet Time’s Lockdown Solutions, an alert can be triggered simultaneously across multiple buildings on site with the word ‘lockdown’ clearly transmitted or a coded message (live or pre-recorded) broadcast to inform staff.
Visit us on stand A2, meet our expert helpful sales team, for more information on how we can support you with Lockdown Alerts, Class Change, Synchronised Clocks and PA Systems!
Once you have registered, book a meeting with us via ConnectEd!
SAAS – ExCel, London – Stand A2
Register here – https://registration.schoolsandacademiesshow.co.uk/e24/registrations/saasl